
Avery Kadish


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As a Synesthete, and a singer/songwriter, I’ve set out to determine, employing my master's degree thesis, how my chromesthesia could be used as a tool affecting creativity. Through exploration, I conducted collaborative exercises with my peers to investigate how other creatives, some Synesthetes, and some not, interpret and conceptualize music. Songwriters typically compose based on emotion, lyrics, melody, harmony, and rhythm. By adding a visual component, colour, based on my associations, I am able to change the creative process through a mix of sound and perception, shaping an interesting form of musical expression through sensory experiences. This presentation, using performance and visuals, will highlight some of my findings, along with my Synesthetic concomitance, as it relates to the creation of original work. I will explore how the perception of certain chord qualities creates a colour palette and linked to the lyrical form can solidify related symbolism, thus providing a new process in collaborative and individual composition.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Creating Music With Colour (Synesthesia in the Creative Process)
