Duson Audio: Sample Distribution & The Artist to Artist Market
With the rise of platforms like Splice and other music creation technologies, the market for samples in the music industry is rapidly growing. This project outlines the trials of starting a new sample label and exploring the emerging artist-to-artist market. A sample label is very similar to a record label with the difference of signing producers, musicians, and sound engineers instead of recording artists. Record labels sell songs to consumers on DSP’s like Spotify and sample labels sell samples to producers. Essentially, it is the B2B market for musical assets.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
O'Leary, Ryan. “Duson Audio: Sample Distribution & The Artist to Artist Market.” Master's Project, Berklee College of Music, 2021. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/134

Project Components: one reflection paper, one presentation.