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In her Culminating Experience Project, “Artistic Reinvention Within The Global Jazz Soundscape,” where 35 musicians came together, Turkish flutist & composer Yağmur Soydemir explores her personal identity and artistic aspirations: Turkish musical traditions rooted in her cultural heritage, Western Classical Music, of which she has 20 years of deep study, and Global Jazz concepts, alongside a fusion of various genre influences. During her time at the Berklee Global Jazz Institute, her mentors provided an unprecedented level of artistic freedom, allowing her to reconnect with her country’s traditional music, gain a new perspective and an artistic voice that integrates all aspects of her identity into her compositions and flute performances. As a woman in jazz, a foreigner, and an immigrant in many countries, her vision and hope through this project is to undertake a journey of self-exploration and artistic reinvention. She also aims to empower and inspire other flutists, female jazz artists, and anyone facing similar challenges in their journeys.
Publication Date
Boston Campus
Recommended Citation
Soydemir, Ege Yağmur. “Artistic Reinvention Within The Global Jazz Soundscape.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2024.