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The basis of the author’s (aka Frantic A) project was to finalize an EP of 4 songs, combining art-pop with trip-hop and alternative electronics and to present it as an audiovisual live show. The author used Ableton Live for both purposes: exploring new production techniques and live performance. She mixed rich arrangements with heartfelt vocals, disruptive sound design and drumbeats, trying to create a music world that empowers, embraces people's unique identities, and cures their traumas. During the process, one of the biggest challenges was technical limitation, associated with CPU of the old computer. The new computer should allow her to mix EP further in Dolby Atmos, make spatial audio performances using Max for Live devices in Ableton and control visuals in Resolume from Ableton. Although the project is rather unusual for the pop scene, the author hopes that it takes a step toward a bridge between avant- guard and mainstream.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
EP, art-pop, trip-hop, alternative electronics, audiovisual live show
Recommended Citation
Koreniushkina, Arina. “Frantic-A: Creating music world that empowers, embraces people's unique identities, and cures their traumas. EP and Live Performance..” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2023. .