Use of Occupations and Activities in a Modified Constraint-induced Movement Therapy Program: A Musician's Triumphs Over Chronic Hemiparesis from Stroke

D. Earley
E. Herlache
D. R. Skelton


OBJECTIVE: This case report addresses the use of therapeutic occupations and activities within a modified constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT) approach for a 52-yr-old female violinist 4 yr after ischemic stroke. METHOD: Analysis of occupational performance was completed before and after intervention using a modified version of the Fugl-Meyer Sensorimotor Evaluation, the Motor Functioning Assessment, the Arm Improvement and Movement Checklist, and information obtained from a client journal maintained throughout treatment. The mCIMT protocol included use of constraint of the affected arm, with emphasis placed on participation in meaningful occupations and activities. RESULTS: Improved function in the affected extremity was noted at the conclusion of mCIMT. After completion of therapy, the client reported a return to playing violin. DISCUSSION: The findings from this case report suggest that use of meaningful occupations and activities integrated into a mCIMT protocol may be effective in addressing skills deficits for clients with upper-extremity chronic hemiparesis.