Does Audiovisual Stimulation With Music and Nature Sights (MuViCure) Reduce Pain and Discomfort During Placement of a Femoral Nerve Block?

L. Nikolajsen
K. Lyndgaard
N. B. Schriver
J. F. Moller


MuViCure (Photobia ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a new program for audiovisual stimulation. We hypothesized that audiovisual stimulation would reduce pain and discomfort and improve patients' well-being during placement of a femoral nerve block. Fifty-five outpatients scheduled for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were randomly allocated into three groups: the first group received audiovisual stimulation (MuViCure), the second group received audio stimulation (MusiCure, Gefion Records ApS, Virum, Denmark), and the third group received no intervention (control). Ten of the 55 patients underwent a qualitative in-depth interview 1-2 days after surgery. Pain and discomfort during the procedure were more prominent in the MuViCure group when compared with the other two groups. Despite these negative results, 14 of the 19 patients in the MuViCure group answered that MuViCure had a positive effect on their well-being. The qualitative interviews revealed that a number of factors other than the audiovisual stimulation had a significant impact on the patients' experience. The use of MuViCure may be more appropriate in other settings.