GO-PAC Culture Capsule: Elevating Our Understanding and Support for Colombian and Latin American Students
Presenter Bio
PANELISTS In-Situ Colombian Educators: Claudia Valencia - Singer / Songwriter / Educator at EMMAT Fabio Chaves - Singer / Songwriter / Music Production Program Director & Educator at EMMAT Diego Amorocho - Head Engineer for Carlos Vives Colombian Educators at Berklee Pablo Vargas - Dean, Library and Learning Resources at Berklee David Cardona - Assistant Professor at Berklee (EPD) Colombian Students at Berklee: Manuela Sanchez Goubert - Singer / Songwriter / Producer, Student at Berklee (MP&E) Samuel Osorio - Producer / Artist, Student at Berklee (EPD / MP&E)
Presentation Description
The Global Open - Pedagogy Arts Collective (GO-PAC) extends Berklee’s pioneering arts pedagogy worldwide, embracing all facets of creative arts education. Through comprehensive pedagogy training and community engagement, GO-PAC is dedicated to innovative pedagogy, educational psychology, and technology integration, preparing arts educators to excel in n ever-changing learning landscape. GO-PAC embodies teaching excellence while amplifying unique cultural perspectives and facilitating ongoing collaboration within a transformative global network.
Pre-Session Materials
GO-PAC Mission & Vision Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmlHaUqZJOE GO-PAC - Culture Capsule: Colombia:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOdkidYZGDw
Post-Session Exercise
Engage in these exercises for discussion next week! Get to know your students… Where are they from? If you have students from Latin America or Colombia, mention this conversation and ask if any of the things we shared resonate with them? If not, engage in conversation, get to know them and ask how could you better support them? Try any of the ideas / techniques / concepts we covered together and, next week, let’s discuss your findings! Ask yourself: “How can I be more culturally-sensitive not only to my Latin America students but students outside of my “homebase” community?
Publication Date
Berklee Online
Recommended Citation
Pedagogy Arts Collective, "GO-PAC Culture Capsule: Elevating Our Understanding and Support for Colombian and Latin American Students" (2024). Pedagogy Arts Collective. 19.
Be part of the first-ever GO-PACLinks to an external site."Culture Capsule"! Join us as we engage with educators and students from Colombia in a vibrant discussion about how we can better connect with and support our Latin American students. This interactive panel will feature insights from in situ leading Colombian educators, as well as Berklee faculty and students from the region, highlighting the unique qualities of their educational and artistic culture. The presentation seeks to bring back to Berklee the richness and uniqueness of Latin American culture, raising awareness and fostering greater sensitivity towards our Latin American students. As part of PAC, you will also have access to exclusive video interviews recorded during the first GO-PAC international symposium, aimed at enhancing the Berklee community's https://www.globalopen-pac.com/