Not Just a Beat, Not Just a Scene
The purpose of this research project is to provide an analysis of the music and production techniques of well known instrumental Hip Hop producers, and to then apply them to my own artistic and creative processes in the creation of an instrumental beat tape utilizing samples primarily from the mediteranean region of europe, all in the pursuit of finding my own voice and identity as an artist and producer. Through gathering information regarding the creative processes and techniques utilized by these producers from interviews, tutorials, live streams, articles, Instagram Q&A’s, and more, I was able to find a process consisting of a set of steps (workflow) that I generally follow every time I make a new track, that I find to be streamlined and efficient for the way that I like to create. By compiling this information into a research document, I hope to offer a helpful resource to other aspiring artists and producers that can offer some sort of guidance to those looking for new techniques or are still searching for their own personal creative process.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Hip Hop; Production; Beats; Instrumental Hip Hop
Recommended Citation
Rowley, Sam. “Not Just a Beat, Not Just a Scene.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2021. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-contemporary-performance/213.

Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file contianing 28 .wav files), cover art (.pdf)