What does it mean when a CE project is "under embargo"?

Beginning in 2022, all CE projects will be "under embargo," meaning they will not be accessible to read or download, for two years from the time of submission. The project’s abstract and metadata will still be viewable in REMIX alongside the date at which the project will be available.

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How can I see the other deliverables of a paper (e.g., score, film, audio)?

Project files have been grouped based on its different components. Each project component can be downloaded separately by using the download button next to the component description.

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Are all CEs included in REMIX?

Beginning in 2022, only projects that have been awarded distinction have been invited to submit their project materials to Berklee Archives for inclusion in REMIX. From 2022 onward, all project abstracts and metadata will still be available; however, only those awarded distinction will be available to download.

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Why are some projects indicated to be "with distinction"?

Students in Berklee College of Music programs can be nominated to graduate "with distinction" by their graduate program director, and later confirmed by a committee of the graduate program deans. Students who are awarded distinction have produced a culminating experience project that represents outstanding achievement in the discipline or area of study with broader significance as a contribution to scholarly and/or artistic inquiry. Beginning in 2022, only projects that have been awarded distinction have been invited to submit their project materials to Berklee Archives for inclusion in REMIX. From 2022 onward, all project abstracts and metadata will still be available; however, only those awarded distinction will be available to download.

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Why do some CE projects have more deliverables and files than others?

The number and kind of deliverables and files are specific to each program and individual project.

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What kinds of differences might there be between submitted CE projects and what appears in REMIX?

The Culminating Experience Project access copies (i.e. the versions of an item or project file available for download or streaming in REMIX) may have been migrated to a new file format or compressed into a ZIP file to accommodate better playback or download time. Separate from these access copies, Berklee Archives, in coordination with Graduate Studies, maintains the copies of project files originally submitted by students. If you are interested in accessing the versions of project files that were submitted to the Archives, please email .

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Why might some components of a project not be available to download or stream in REMIX?

Culminating Experience projects, as they appear in REMIX, have been made available open access to the greatest extent possible. In some cases, the use of copyrighted materials within CE projects has limited Berklee Archives’ ability to disseminate particular project components. If you have questions about copyright as it pertains to student work or materials used within CE projects, please contact Berklee Archives at .

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How do I find the "Graduate Studies" page from the home page of REMIX?

To find the Graduate Studies page, which hosts the collections of culminating experience projects organized by program, navigate to the home page’s left-hand menu and click ‘Collections.’ On this page, click on ‘Graduate Studies.’

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Can I search for a topic within a particular date range?

Yes, when searching within a collection, you can use the left hand menu to limit searches by different categories, including year.

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What do the drop down options ("search this repository," "search this collection," etc.) mean?

Under the search box on the left of the page, you will see a drop down list with options that vary depending on where you are within REMIX.

To better explain the use of this drop down menu, let us assume you are currently viewing the "Global Entertainment and Music Business" collection page that is part of the Culminating Experience Projects collection, inside the REMIX repository.

Here is what each drop down menu value means when visiting this page. From most narrow to broadest, your options are to search:

  • In this collection: You will be searching only the specific collection you are in, as indicated by the level you are at in the site. Checking the breadcrumb labels at the top of the page (e.g. Home > Graduate Studies > Culminating Experience Projects > Global Entertainment and Music Business), you are currently in the Global Entertainment and Music Business collection and will only be searching projects in that degree program. To search the Culminating Experience projects across all available degree programs, navigate to the Culminating Experience Projects collection page and use the "in this collection" option from there.)
  • In this repository: You will be searching everything included in all REMIX collections (i.e. this will search all Culminating Experience collections, but it will also search the Faculty Works collection, Music and Health Institute collections, ABLE Arts Resource Center collections, and the HAYDN Online Journal, among others).
  • Across all repositories: you will be searching across all REMIX collections as well as across other institutions’ repositories (i.e. not only Berklee, but other colleges, universities, and organizations that use the Digital Commons repository platform).

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