Path to Freedom
The title of my culminating experience project is “Path to Freedom” I wanted to explore how music has contributed to my journey both as a musician and person. I wanted to convey on a deeper level how my time in the US and how music throughout my life has shaped my current self and future self. I chose to delve into four specific different topics that are important to me personally; topics that that have allowed me to grow into the person I am today. These specific topics are, “Equality, Street Harassment, Identity and lastly Freedom.” The ultimate aim of my culminating experience is to express all my personal experiences, everything I’ve learned, and the values and social issues that I believe through music. And to be able to do so applying all the musical and life knowledge skills I’ve learned from my time at Global Jazz.
Publication Date
Boston Campus
Recommended Citation
You, Eunji, "Path to Freedom" (2022). Global Jazz. 125.
Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 6 .pdf documents), poem (.pdf).