‘One Mile Away’ - Breaking the wall of expectations through music
My research starts from a personal journey. Our society creates models of happiness, that sometimes is just ephemeral. This goes to create continue expectations, one after the other, that could keep us away from living in the present and it could lead to stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. And personally talking, in a situation of struggle, as the lockdown due to the pandemic, if we just live of expectations, we could lose the orientation. Music could be one of the solutions to this: it could be lived with no expectations, music engages all of the areas of the brain, music stimulates the production of positive hormones, that helps the relaxation of our body. In my research I show how composing music could be a personal solution to the life struggles, and how they could be translated in music, and I also investigate in how music could be transmitted, so as not to lose its beneficial powers: communicating without expectations, and the meditational power or the music that can relax our body and soul. This is a seed for the future and a point of reflections in how music could be transmitted in an alternative way.
Publication Date
Boston Campus
Recommended Citation
Battaglia, Stefano, "‘One Mile Away’ - Breaking the wall of expectations through music" (2022). Global Jazz. 135.
Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), video (.mp4).