OOPSYN: Out of Place Synthesizer
OOPSYN is a Sci-Fi, steampunk virtual reality musical environment(VRMIs). It is a series of virtual sound making objects and musical instruments that a viewer interacts with to create their own sounds. Aesthetically, the virtual environment uses a Steam Punk look. The sound design will mirror the visual universe by using metallic and industrial sounds, which gives users an immersive experience in creating music. The goal of this project is to make art installation within a Virtual Realty (VR) universe where users can experience the process of making their own sound. A documentary/demonstration video of the making process and the work will be also provided. VR/Cross Reality(XR) has a lot of potential such as media, and further musical contents will be created in the future.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video (.m4v), one research paper (.pdf), one presentation (.key), one demonstration video (.m4v), additional project files (ZIP file).
Recommended Citation
Hiroki, Tomokazu. “OOPSYN: Out of Place Synthesizer.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/136.