Static Variable: An Electromagnetic Nexus
This project would not have been possible without the help of my supervisors Frederick P. Warnecke and Marta Verde Baqueiro. Their support and encouragement was paramount to the completion of this project. I would also like to thank Pablo Munguia and Elysha Zaide whose critique and advice have been extremely useful throughout the project duration. I am also extremely grateful to Krisźtian Hofstadter who has always encouraged me to pursue my ambitions regardless of their complexity. I would like to express my loving gratefulness to my parents and my wife for understanding my need to self-isolate for hours long before COVID-19 enforced that upon us. I would also like to thank my neighbours for not calling the cops on me while I carried on with my experiments in sound.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mp4), report (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audiovisual composition (.mp4), maxpat files (ZIP file containing 1 .wav audio file, 1 .maxpat file), reaper project files (ZIP file containing 4 .rpp files, 3 .rpp-bak files, 2 .wav files, 2 .mp3 files, 5 .aiff files, 5 .aiff.repeaks files), ableton files (ZIP file containing 59 .wav files, 57 .wav.asd files, 2 .txt files, 1 .pdf document, 18 .amxd files, 55. als documents, 1 .cfg file).
Recommended Citation
Malik, Ankit. “Static Variable: An Electromagnetic Nexus.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2020. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/188.