Ugolino: Jazz, Hip-Hop and Ireland
This project follows the creation of a five-track EP titled Aisling, by Irish artist, Ugolino. The EP fuses hip-hop and jazz, merging these two genres in the context of Irish music. This project distinguishes itself from other jazz / hip-hop fusions, which often use prominent elements of hip- hop instrumentals, and vocals consistent with modern rap. Aisling uses a more live sound, drawing on styles of 20th century jazz, and vocals in the style of spoken-word poetry. Ireland is a country known for its output of literature and poetry in the 20th Century, but not for its contributions to jazz. This EP imagines how Irish jazz could have sounded, thus offering an artistic commentary on Ireland’s culture, history, and place in the world. This project hopes to have enough reach and commercial appeal to increase the popularity of contemporary jazz and inspire more jazz fusions.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pptx), EP (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documnets), lead sheets (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).
Recommended Citation
Hurley, Oran. “Ugolino: Jazz, Hip-Hop and Ireland.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2022. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/266.