The Process with Matty Jontiff: Inside the Making of an Artist Interview Series
This project aims to address the idea of looking outward to look inward by exploring the artist and the importance of collaboration on multiple levels. This artist series, where the interviewer is also an artist and collaborator, will show the audience the importance of community in music and artistic collaboration, while also being introduced to various artists, music and ideas. As the series progresses, the audience will gain personal insight into the interviewer as an artist, collaborator, songwriter, and producer. The interviewer acts as a story-teller providing a window into this collaborative music community, by taking them along on the collaborative journey with six visiting artists and sharing those experiences through audio and visual media. The goal of this project is to connect musicians of all kinds, inspire collaborations and reveal the collaborative process. The project is continuing in nature to provide new and interesting interactions and music.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Collaboration; Community; Interviewer; Story-Teller; Artist; Collaborator; Songwriter; Producer; Process
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), songs (ZIP file containing 6 .wav audio files), mixing breakdown videos (ZIP file containing 7 .mp4 files), interviews (ZIP file containing 6 .wav audio files), music videos (ZIP file containing 6 .mp4 ).
Recommended Citation
Jontiff, Matthew R. “The Process with Matty Jontiff: Inside the Making of an Artist Interview Series.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2021. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/296.