The M.A.F. Machine: A Solution for Live Performance in Changing Systems of Equal Division of Octave

The M.A.F. Machine: A Solution for Live Performance in Changing Systems of Equal Division of Octave


Samuel Vincent



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Though many applications for microtonality exist, few allow for the flexible changing of systems of microtonality during live performance. This project implements the M.A.F. Machine, a hardware controller implementation designed to facilitate live performance in arbitrary, and changing, systems of equal temperament. The hardware is a 3D-printed casing containing circuitry programmed to detect how many plastic blocks, or “keys,” have been placed in a single octave of the unit. This data is then sent to the software application using MIDI retuning algorithms, and the software application uses the information about which “keys” are in which slots to determine the system of equal temperament. Finally, the project explores compositional techniques and systems of notation for microtonality, culminating in the composition and performance of original music using this instrument along with percussion, fretless instruments, and other instruments that are compatible with microtonality.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


microtonality; equal division of octave; interface design; hardware development

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), performance video (.mp4), Arduino schematic drawing (.pdf), Arduino code (ZIP file containing 1 .ino document), maxpatch files (ZIP file containing 2 .maxpat files), JUCE files (ZIP file containing 1 application, 6 .plist files, 1 .pbxproj file, 1 .xcworkspacedata file, 1 xcuserstate file, 1 .nib file, 13 .cpp files, 11 .mm files, 2 .h file, 1 .txt file, 1 .jucer file, 1.mp3.asd file).

The M.A.F. Machine: A Solution for Live Performance in Changing Systems of Equal Division of Octave
