Clutter Monster
d.Cluttering is a narrative exploring the relationship between physical/digital clutter in our daily lives and our individual mental/emotional spaces. Expressed through an installation composed of sound and video, the piece comments on the correlation and contribution of the clouding vision and our collective culture’s obsession with stuff. Building on this topic, made popular by the recent NY Times BestSeller book “The Life- Changing Magic of Tidying Up:The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organzing” by Marie Kondo and ancient traditions of Chinese Feng Shui, d.Cluttering questions the attachment to material goods that are often superimposed with meaning. Similarly to every day objects, sound (music) and words can also be conceived as clutter. By intentionally using methods of “participatory culture” to comment on “consumer culture,” the piece uses text, sound clips and video footage deliberately composed and arranged as ‘symbols’ to represent “clutter” in a collagery fashion, with digital “cutting up” of sonic palettes, letters, punctuation and visuals. Playing with unorthodox methods in sound creation, d.Cluttering is composed to represent sonic clutter, by aurally illustrating the duality of near-silence and chaotic mess to depict a sensory process of mental de-cluttering. In addition to the auditory portrayal of ‘clutter’, the piece utilizes video footage to create visual collages inspired by the historical narrative initiated by “dadaism,” “sound poems,” and “sacred art,” this piece intends to comment on the importance of being mindfully aware of clutter and the decluttering in our very own kind of “sacred space.”
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, project files (one ZIP file containing one AIFF audio file, one MOV file, one .MAXPAT file).
Recommended Citation
Lin, Debbie YJ. “Clutter Monster.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2016. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/43.

Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, project files (one ZIP file containing one AIFF audio file, one MOV file, one .MAXPAT file).