VOCALOMO - A Portfolio of Vocal Productions with Technologies

VOCALOMO - A Portfolio of Vocal Productions with Technologies


Siu Ki Lo


Download Project Video (.mp4) (912.9 MB)

Download Paper (.pdf) (2.0 MB)

Download Presentation (.pdf) (71.6 MB)

Download Songs (.zip) (130.2 MB)

Download Album Artwork (.zip) (11.1 MB)


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VOCALOMO​ is a 4-track vocal productions which Martin Lo ​(Artist Name: Martin Lucy​) produced in this academic year. The concept of this project is to explore into vocal productions with various technologies which we may come across with in live performances, the goal is to fuse A Cappella music with technology in a new way. This project serves as an artist portfolio (himself as an A Cappella Bass Singer)​ and a production portfolio (himself as an Audio Engineer​). VOCALOMO​ consists of various types of genres which includes pop, alternative folk, classic rock & classical instrumental music. Moreover, one of the four deliverables is an original track that Martin Lucy worked with Sean Goldman (a student from SFTV programme), and the other three tracks are songs that he arranged into *A Cappella covers and remixes. This whole project has been changing its scope since the first day he entered the school, modifications of the project were made during the three prototypes from December 2016 to May 2017, and here are the final deliverables.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one paper (.pdf), one presentation (.pdf), songs (one ZIP file containing four .wav audio files), album artwork (one ZIP file containing five .jpg files).

VOCALOMO - A Portfolio of Vocal Productions with Technologies
