Birth of the Nemesis
Birth of the Nemesis is my humble attempt at recreating the wondrous world of Action/Adventure/Fantasy genre of swashbuckling movie scores that our generation have loved through the past few decades. Acquiring the tools, ammunition and mental process to write such a piece was one of the main reasons behind me coming to Berklee. This project is a truthful culmination of all that I learned here at Berklee and all that I imbibed from the environmental exposure such a creatively conducive atmosphere offers. The music for this piece is inspired from and specifically written for selected scenes from the story of an original screenplay called "The Hellenic Saga" written by an upcoming young brilliant film maker from India, Kishore Prakash Menon. Coming from a composing career in India and already having a process that "works", up and running, unlearning and learning anew was initially tough, but a truly rewarding process. I can state with utmost conviction that I'm not just taking newly acquired knowledge and sharper technical skills back to my home base, buttruly great memories to cherish of a beautiful place called Valencia and its even more beautiful people.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
film scoring; orchestration; compositional process
Recommended Citation
Thankappan, Rahulraj. “Birth of the Nemesis.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2019. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/138.