Updating the Future: Reimaging the Sound of Sci-Fi in The Matrix for 2020
The objective of this project is to re-imagine the musical representation of The Matrix’s dark vision of the future, with acknowledgement of the 20 years of musical, cinematic and societal development that have taken place since it’s release. The project’s first component is an excerpt of the original screenplay, which was chosen in place of the motion picture so that the music could inform the images rather than being attributed to a vision of the future from 1999. The remaining part is an original score written to this excerpt, composed with the objective of creating a sonic world that reflects the powerful underlying themes of The Matrix, and generating a modern musical interpretation of the world of The Matrix, with the additional challenge of achieving this objective through exclusively orchestral textures.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Williams, Luke A. “Updating the Future: Reimaging the Sound of Sci-Fi in The Matrix for 2020.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2020. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/163.