Multisensory Stimulation and Individualized Music Sessions on Older Adults With Severe Dementia: Effects on Mood, Behavior, and Biomedical Parameters

A. Maseda
N. Cibeira
L. Lorenzo-López
I. González-Abraldes
A. Buján
C. de Labra
J. C. Millán-Calenti


BACKGROUND: Multisensory stimulation and individualized music have shown to be good in handling the psychological and behavioral symptoms in people with severe dementia. OBJECTIVE: Explore the effects of two nonpharmacological interventions, multisensory stimulation environment (MSSE) in a Snoezelen room and individualized music sessions, on mood, behavior, and biomedical parameters of institutionalized elderly patients with severe dementia. METHODS: Randomized trial of 21 patients aged ?65 years randomly assigned to two groups (MSSE and individualized music). Interventions administered in two-weekly sessions lasted 30 minutes for a period of 12 weeks. Main outcomes were recorded before, during, and at the end of the intervention. RESULTS: Both groups had immediate positive effects on mood and behavior. Participants were more happy/more content (p?