Providing Supports for 'Covid Mums' Through an Adapted Sing&Grow Group Program

Alison Liew Stewart


A modified Sing&Grow group program was offered to first time ‘covid mums’ with babies under 12 months old after the 2020 Sydney lockdown. The aim of the program was to support the healthand functioning of vulnerable mothers who gave birth to their first child during a global pandemic.The mothers’ experience of isolation and ‘missing out’ on typical resources, services and supportsinformed and shaped the design of the program. The mothers’ striking need for support and their embracing response to the program inspired this publication. Discussion in this paper describes and reflects upon multiple aspects of the program including: the therapeutic approach, content of sessions, strategies employed, participant experience of the program, participant feedback and therapist observations. Descriptive examples of interactions, conversations and moments that occurred during sessions are also shared to provide further insight into how the program was facilitated and addressed the program aim.