The Effects of a Single Music Relaxation Session on State Anxiety Levels of Adults in a Workplace Environment

Melissa Smith MMThy, RMT


Music relaxation has been used to decrease stress and anxiety levels in a number of adult populations including psychiatry, medical settings and occupational work environments. This study aims to investigate the immediate effects of a single music relaxation session in adults in an occupational setting by measuring anxiety levels at the completion of employees shift. Data from 80 customer service specialists (female = 40, male = 40) were obtained from a call center in Queensland. A randomized controlled trial was conducted comparing verbal discussion as the control condition to music relaxation as the experimental condition. The state portion of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory was used as a pre and post measurement. The results of the study show the music relaxation intervention significantly reduced anxiety levels in participants compared to the discussion group intervention. Participants in the music relaxation intervention indicated a positive increase in feelings of relaxation and pleasantness, as well as decreased tension, immediately after the music relaxation intervention. The results provide evidence supporting the use of music relaxation to decrease anxiety levels in occupational environments. Replication of this study in different occupational environments is recommended to provide further support for the use of music relaxation in the workplace.