Inclusive Pedagogy and Ensembles

Inclusive Pedagogy and Ensembles


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Presenter Bio

Reeves Shulstad has been a member of the Hayes School of Music faculty since 2009. With earned degrees that include a Masters and Ph.D. in Historical Musicology, Shulstad teaches music history and special topics courses in the undergraduate curriculum. Her teaching awards include the Hayes School of Music Teacher of the Year in 2013 and the 2022 AppState recipient of the Board of Governors Excellence in Teaching Award. Shulstad also serves as the Coordinator for Mid-Career Development through AppState's Center for Academic Excellence and serves as an Inclusive Excellence Coordinator for the university.

Presentation Description

How establishing shared goals, objectives, and outcomes for all university ensembles can serve as a locus for inclusive curricular connections and how ensembles can intentionally align with core as well as program curriculum and goals for information literacy.

Post-Session Exercise


inclusivity; ensembles

Publication Date



Berklee Online


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Inclusive Pedagogy and Ensembles
