The Power of Play: Effective Strategies for Teaching Drama to Learning Challenged Populations
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Document Type
ABLE Assembly Conference Session Materials
Auditory Processing; Communication; Equitable Learning Space; Executive Functioning; Improvisation; Memory Recall; Power of Play; Student-Directed Classes; Structured Play; Theater Games
ABLE Arts Resource Center Terms
ABLE Arts Resource Center; ABLE Assembly; ADHD; Autism; Executive Dysfunction; Intellectual Disability; Multiple Disabilities; Specific Learning Disability; Speech or Language Impairment; Theater; Pre-School; Elementary School(K-6); Middle School (6-8); High School (9-12); Accessibility; Equity; Inclusion; Social Emotional Learning; Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Recommended Citation
Schatell, S. (2023). The Power of Play: Effective Strategies for Teaching Drama to Learning Challenged Populations. Retrieved from https://remix.berklee.edu/able-assembly-conference/108