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Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.
100 Learning Games for Special Needs with Music, Movement, Sounds and...Silence, Johanne Hanko
100 Learning Games for Special Needs with Music, Movement, Sounds And...Silence, Johanne Hanko
Sensing the Rhythm: Finding My Voice in a World Without Sound, Mandy Harvey and Mark Atteberry
Sensing the Rhythm: Finding My Voice in a World Without Sound, Mandy Harvey and Mark Attenberry
Addressing Special Educational Needs and Disability in the Curriculum: Music (Addressing SEND in the Curriculum) (Volume 5), Victoria Jaquiss and Diane Paterson
Including Everyone: Creating Music Classrooms Where All Children Learn 1st Edition, Judith Jellison
Including Everyone: Creating Music Classrooms Where All Children Learn, Judith A. Jellison
Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders : Developing Potential in Young Children and Their Families, Petra Kern and Marcia Earl Humpal
Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition: Supporting Children and Their Families, Petra Kern and Marcia Earl Humpal
Educating Exceptional Children, Samuel A. Kirk, James John Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, and Nicholas J. Anastasiow
Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies, The, Neil William Lerner, Joseph Nathan Straus, Blake Howe, and Stephanie Jensen-Moulton
Living by Wonder: Writings on the Imaginative Life of Childhood, Richard Lewis
Developmental Speech-Language Training through Music for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and Clinical Application, Hayoung A. Lim
Let's All Listen: Songs for Group Work in Settings That Include Students with Learning Difficulties and Autism [With CD], Pat Lloyd and Adam Ockelford
Music, Disability, and Society, Alex Lubet
Teaching the Postsecondary Music Student with Disabilities, Kimberly A. McCord
Exceptional Music Pedagogy for Children with Exceptionalities : International Perspectives, Kimberly McCord and Deborah Blair
Shakin' All Over: Popular Music and Disability, George McKay
Special Needs, Community Music, and Adult Learning: An Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Volume 4 (Oxford Handbooks), Gary E. McPherson and Graham F. Welch
Spotlight on Making Music with Special Learners: Selected Articles from State MEA Journals, MENC The National Association for Music Education