Sonic Landscapes and Visual Textures: The Intersection between Improvised Music and Painting
This project explores the intersection between improvised music and painting through a creative collaborative process and an interdisciplinary performance. The sources of inspiration are colors combined with Valencian experiences and research. A common musical language is built up, songs and lead sheets created and reflected in expressive paintings. This artistic journey leads to a performance, where colors, improvised music, painting and video production open up room for contemplation. The methodology used is performative research, the tools are audio and video recording, picture taking, feedback forms, diary, individual and group reflections. Besides featuring artists this project offers valuable findings as how to build up a band, create songs and produce a performance while addressing what may also have an impact on our decisions when improvising: the social context and the expectations that we attribute to each other. As I am visually impaired this project aims to show that blind people can also be leaders and that they are able to grow in an environment that is usually occupied by sighted people. It can be used as a creative approach in understanding each other, focusing on sound, music and perception.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Free improvisation; painting; intersection; creative project; performance; performative research; visually impaired
Recommended Citation
Francis Marti, George. “Sonic Landscapes and Visual Textures: The Intersection between Improvised Music and Painting.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-contemporary-performance/115.

Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), performance videos (ZIP file containing 5 .mp4 files), painting videos (ZIP file containing 6 .mp4 files), painting images (ZIP file contianing 6 .pdf documents) photographs (ZIP file containing 52 .pdf documents).