The Versatile Violinist: From Bach to R&B

The Versatile Violinist: From Bach to R&B


Korina Davis


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My culminating experience project is a portfolio of artistic identity and growth as a violinist learning to play various contemporary genres and improvisation while maintaining classical repertoire and techniques. The violin is in high demand across a wide variety of musical genres in today’s industry, making it essential to achieve high levels of proficiency in styles outside of classical music. My goal with this project was to prepare myself with the performance, recording, and compositional and arranging skills to enter the music industry feeling well-equipped to work as a freelance musician in various genres and settings. My steps included creating a practice regimen that incorporated classical repertoire and technique as well as contemporary exercises and improvisatory techniques, composing and recording four original songs, collaborating with classmates on various projects of different styles, preparing for auditions, and creating a personal website. As a result, I have grown exponentially in all aspects of my artistry, come closer to discovering my own artistic identity, and feel prepared to enter the Los Angeles music industry with confidence.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Violin; classical; contemporary; improvisation; artist identity


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents).

The Versatile Violinist: From Bach to R&B
