"Soul at the Center: A Versatile Vocalist’s Exploration of Artistic Ide" by Grace C. Laboy
Soul at the Center: A Versatile Vocalist’s Exploration of Artistic Identity

Soul at the Center: A Versatile Vocalist’s Exploration of Artistic Identity


Grace C. Laboy


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Download Chord Charts (.zip) (243 KB)


The purpose of my project is to explore artistic identity through songwriting and performance, and showcase my versatility as a vocalist. Through analyses and collaboration, I created and recorded an extensive eleven-song portfolio that includes originals, all written this year, and covers spanning multiple genres. Although I had never written an original song and lacked studio experience prior to Berklee Valencia, I now feel confident writing original material and working as a session singer in several genres. Throughout the project, I carefully documented my songwriting processes to then analyze the effectiveness of each process and quality of each song. Exploring unfamiliar themes like electronic music composition and contemporary harmony, rehearsing and performing consistently, learning the basics of production and engineering, and pushing myself to create and write original songs helped me grow as an artist, and allowed me to begin the process of developing a clear artistic identity, which is centered around soulful vocals, regardless of the genre or style.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


artistic identity; collaboration; versatility; analysis; songwriting


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 12 .wav files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 5 . pdf documents).

Soul at the Center: A Versatile Vocalist’s Exploration of Artistic Identity
