"Shifting the Compositional Palette: A Guitar-based Composer's Explorat" by Leslie Helpert
Shifting the Compositional Palette: A Guitar-based Composer's Exploration Moving Towards Piano

Shifting the Compositional Palette: A Guitar-based Composer's Exploration Moving Towards Piano


Leslie Helpert


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In the thick woods of the United States southland, during a summer campout nature immersion, I was serenaded with a guitar. Back in the suburbs some weeks after the evening passed, I woke in the middle of the night singing the lyric I’d heard in that woodsy nighttime setting. The phrase rang through my twelve-year-old self, and in the next days I manifested my first guitar; I learned to play the instrument by writing the music that came steadily and didn't stop for over 25 years. As I entered my fourth decade of life, my guitar and I were recognizing a shift. This year I took a pivotal choice of focus. By sharing my process, I hope to set into action my intention to remain committed with the real pleasure I am finding, having, at least for now, transitioned my compositional palette unto a new instrument. This is the story of my applied writing on the piano.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


New Approaches; Compositional Challenge; Piano; Harmony; Applied Theory; Parameters


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio file (.wav), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

Shifting the Compositional Palette: A Guitar-based Composer's Exploration Moving Towards Piano
