¡ULTREIA! Improvisation in World Music from the Perspective of Contemporary Harmony

¡ULTREIA! Improvisation in World Music from the Perspective of Contemporary Harmony


Nehir Akansu


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Ultreia is the name of the project that intends to connect going forward and reaching beyond improvisation in world music from the perspective of the contemporary harmony, including a multidisciplinary approach (fine arts collaboration and extended technics). As a classical music educated violist, I found my musical purpose to be improvising with my viola. Regardless of the style (whether it is jazz or folk or experimental music), I admire the mindset of improvisation. Since I discovered this freedom with folk music in Santiago de Compostela, I decided to dedicate my Culminating Experience to expand my knowledge about World Folk Music and to compose for 7 different genres that have a connection to my life. This project intends to be a visible bridge from improvisation to composition that includes the colors of traditional and modern music. I hope this work can encourage musicians who want to go beyond playing into a world of musical discovery.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Improvisation; Folk; Contemporary; Composition; Extended Technics; World music; Collaborative Project; Creative Project


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 7 .wav files), performance videos (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 7 .pdf documents).

¡ULTREIA! Improvisation in World Music from the Perspective of Contemporary Harmony
