"The Versatile Vocalist: An Exploration of Personal Artistry and the Cr" by Sarah Martinson
The Versatile Vocalist: An Exploration of Personal Artistry and the Creation of a Well-Rounded Musician

The Versatile Vocalist: An Exploration of Personal Artistry and the Creation of a Well-Rounded Musician


Sarah Martinson


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This paper overviews the compositional process of myself as a vocalist and trumpet player navigating between contemporary and classical music and aiming to find an identity amidst these differences. The main question that is answered throughout the project is: “how can I redefine what it means to be a well-rounded singer?” With character research, a new set of performing musician standards, and an in-depth detailed process of six compositions, this paper reflects my journey as I attempt to answer the question and make myself more well-rounded. By analyzing both my own compositions and the common characteristics that great musicians share, I can find my identity by identifying both my compositions and my strengths and weaknesses, allowing me to create an identity that acknowledges growth and fluidity.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


identity; vocalist; portfolio; education; composition; songwriting; trumpet


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 9 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 6 .pdf documents).

The Versatile Vocalist: An Exploration of Personal Artistry and the Creation of a Well-Rounded Musician
