"How I Became One: Finding My Creative Inner Self" by Sylvie Leys
How I Became One: Finding My Creative Inner Self

How I Became One: Finding My Creative Inner Self


Sylvie Leys


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This project is a personal research of my inner. self through musical practice, composition and video creation. If it looks like a creative and practical project, in the depths it was a motivator to pursue the search of my oneness. Following a process of creation based on emotions, I composed and recorded 4 tunes, made a music video for each of them, looked into my feelings and listened to my instincts at each step of the process. I realized the importance of choosing the right people to play my music, like. relationships in life. I developed much more confidence in my playing, thanks to the encounter with the right assiduous practice of my instrument. I also came to the fact that my music is contemporary and adding the visuals to it, I hope to be able to share it with a large audience and to influence people in their way towards peace.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; self-observation; composition; music videos; contemporary music


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

How I Became One: Finding My Creative Inner Self
