Cello Immersion: Surrounded by Visuals, Music and Whales

Cello Immersion: Surrounded by Visuals, Music and Whales


Aaron Hauser



The purpose of my culminating experience is to further understand the process of immersion through the symbiosis of visual media and musical content. What makes a great music video? What makes a great concert experience that combines visuals with the music being presented? How can visuals enhance a musical performance instead of be a distraction? My project revolves heavily around the cello and surround sound and animation. The cello is an immersive instrument and being an orchestral musician is an immersive experience. However, the audience never gets to feel this. What if we pump surround sound in a performance environment? What if jellyfish emerge from the ocean as soon as they hear pizzicato? What if every aspect of the music was tied to a visual component? I set out to create an eight minute animated short that uses 3D projection mapping, a 5.1 surround sound design, live cello playing, and three visuals panels. The goal was to create an immersive concert experience.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


cello; surround sound; augmented reality; projection mapping; music video


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), audio file (.wav), score (.pdf), videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), poster (.pdf).

Cello Immersion: Surrounded by Visuals, Music and Whales
