A Holistic Approach to the Creation of Music

A Holistic Approach to the Creation of Music



This project is a documentative essay in which I will explain some of the methods and approaches I ́ve been using throughout the years, and in the Master ́s course at Berklee Valencia in the 2018-19 year, that have helped me have a better grasp on how to convey a story when composing or performing, while staying true to myself, and be more efficient with my creative process. These approaches, have helped me understand more the most effective ways I can work with when creating music, or practicing.. I strive with this work to show the “how” and “why” of my creative process, so that in the future it might help someone incorporate some of the approaches stated into their own way of creating, or to inspire them to explore the way they work, to hopefully understand themselves as musicians in a deeper manner.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Composition; Performance; Drums; Practice


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (ZIP file containing 1 .pdf document, 1 .mp4 file), performance video (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), sheet music (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

A Holistic Approach to the Creation of Music
