Sound and Vision: Developing a Method of Audiovisual Composition and Improvisation for Drum Set

Sound and Vision: Developing a Method of Audiovisual Composition and Improvisation for Drum Set


Patrick Cleland



The drum set is not typically seen as an instrument that can emote or entertain on the same level as an instrument with a melodic or harmonic voice. However, advancements in AI-powered acoustic drum mapping--namely Sensory Percussion software—have created a way around these limitations, allowing the drums to trigger any combination of sounds in an unprecedentedly responsive and dynamic way. This project uses these sensors as a compositional tool with the drum set as the focus. Furthermore, it takes the tools beyond their out-of-box capabilities by routing data from Sensory Percussion and using it to control effects in Ableton, Max/MSP, and Resolume in order to create a cohesive audiovisual experience.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), videos (ZIP file containing 5 .mp4 files).

Sound and Vision: Developing a Method of Audiovisual Composition and Improvisation for Drum Set
