"Gÿe: The Birth of a Sound Being" by Guillermo Calvillo
Gÿe: The Birth of a Sound Being

Gÿe: The Birth of a Sound Being



What is creation? Does artistic identity exist? How is the relationship that we establish with music? Can sound represent who am I? Does my soul sound? How do I sound like? What is my mission with sound? How can I relate to the world around me? These are the questions that have driven me to research about my artist identity and creativity. To address these questions, I have developed my brand as Gÿe, a creature that uses sonic synesthesia to create futuristic landscapes through emotional journeys. I have built a creative method called the “Organic Free Form”, that encompasses fluidity, abstraction and improvisation as a way to define my sound. This performative and reflective research has allowed me to find myself and my vision, which ranges from tribalism to mythology, gender expression and sound art, pedagogy and cultural exchange. The goal of this vision is to incorporate my artistical self into the musical scene change the world of arts in the future.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), video (.mp4), photoshoot plan (.pdf).

Gÿe: The Birth of a Sound Being
