Wonder’s World: Begin to Believe...

Wonder’s World: Begin to Believe...



Wonder ́s World is a multimedia, music-based project that expresses and evokes emotion in an entertaining, educational and engaging format while inspiring community building and promoting healing by addressing topics about inequality, culture, food, nature, music and acceptance and allows me to be executive creative producer, collaborate with artistic teams, delegate responsibility and bring my creative ideas to life. I used a self-ethnological methodology as well as research, interviews and workshops to build content with collaborative teams to develop a thirteen-song soundtrack, a script, twenty physical characters and a foundation for a unique brand. Wonder’s World is inspired by childlike wonder, Stevie Wonder’s music and Wonder Woman. The live performance of the musical will be postponed and all creative content will be available on online platforms with the intention of building a marketing team, seeking collaborators, investors, stakeholders and sponsors to help grow, develop and expand the brand. The potential fields of expansion of the proposal could incorporate books, a full length feature film, an animated series, a youth and adult TV show, camps, a school and a nonprofit sector that creates and supports charities and promotes service in our communities by creating safe environments that support equality, acceptance, understanding, compassion and healing through conversations, creative collaborations, expression and love.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Creative Project; Musical; Puppets; Songwriting; Script Writing; Character Development; Video Production; Cultural Studies; Equality; Multi-Sensory


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf) audio files (ZIP file containing 11 .wav files), lyrics (.pdf), cast (.pdf), tech rider (.pdf).

Wonder’s World: Begin to Believe...
