Combination of Korean traditional instrument Gayageum and Western Instruments

Combination of Korean traditional instrument Gayageum and Western Instruments


Jungsoo Ji



The purpose of this CE is to combine traditional Korean instrument Gayaguem with western instrument and record and produce the result into songs. This project is consisted of multiple stages, which can be divided into writing, recording, and mixing. To blend Gayaguem with western music, I had to come up with alternative tuning, ways to play chords, different mic positions and more. However, Gayaguem I didn't put all my focus on Gayaguem alone. I put the biggest emphasis on the balance between elements of western and eastern music, and it is clearly shown through out the project. Even though the Corona virus presented us with some hardships, we were able to come up with three songs with distinctive characteristics and you will be able to check out the results through this paper. I hope these three songs can help fellow CPPD students in their research of traditional music.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

Combination of Korean traditional instrument Gayageum and Western Instruments
