SHAKATA: Assembling, Leading and Producing An Ethnic-Fusion-Party Band
The main goal of this project is to develop and forge my artistic identity as a violinist, musician and a stage artist, and do so by extending and experimenting with my creative skills, and my administration, leadership and producing abilities. The key part of the project, and the main tool through which I’m implying these skills, is band-leading Shakata, an ethnic-fusion band I assembled with five other Berklee students. Through the course of the project, I created a five song EP (four originals and one arrangement), along with more visual and audio content for promotion and dissemination purposes. The intended outcome is to create both a strong platform for future activity of Shakata, and to enrich my own artistic portfolio for my future professional steps. Through monitoring and explaining my own creative process, as well as demonstrating how I’m incorporating influences from different genres (Balkan, Arabic, Flamenco, etc.) and musical styles into my original compositions, I hope to offer some helpful tools and insights that could also serve other musicians in their early creative steps.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
violin; creative project; compositional processes; world music
Recommended Citation
Choma, Mai. “SHAKATA: Assembling, Leading and Producing An Ethnic-Fusion-Party Band.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2020. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-contemporary-performance/182.

Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), sheet music (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).