Arhan Afndy – Tale of a Merchant

Arhan Afndy – Tale of a Merchant


Shaden Nahra



Inspired by the spice merchants of the past, by their travels, wisdom and stories, fascinated by how much spice trade influenced the exploration of foreign lands and fusion of cultures, I consider myself a sound merchant that travels between East and West, fusing my Arabic roots with Western music in search of a new sound. Through studying Jazz violin and harmony, transcribing solos and analyzing standards, I broadened my musical perception and harmonic vocabulary; through production classes and studio experience, I acquired fundamental production-engineering skills such as: recording, mixing and editing . Both of these fields allowed me to co-produce my short album with Jacob Henbest: “Arhan Afndy - tale of a merchant” - 4 songs, 3 in Arabic, 1 in English, 1 Instrumental, which tell the story of a merchant that travels through: psychedelic rock / film folk / rock / Jazz. Through this project I learnt the importance of having a team in the music industry, experienced the full production process of my short album and most importantly learnt the basics of the Jazz language. My wish is to inspire future artists to tell stories through their music, as well as to contribute to the fusion of Arab-Jazz music.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


EP; recording; songwriting; rock; jazz; film music; self-ethnography


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents).

Arhan Afndy – Tale of a Merchant
