Music and Visuals: Storytelling music

Music and Visuals: Storytelling music


Sungeun Ong



My music of the culminating experience project is really experimental and adventurous, but it’s a reality. Each person has own purpose to accomplish a goal. My aim is to perfect my composing skills (or enlarge them) with the future goal of using them for scoring. As I analyze and study my music and other composers’ music and create my works based on this project, I gradually get closer to my music as applying theories in my way. I am going to explore various kinds of music as a performer and composer. As the fields of technology and multimedia are evolving day by day, I would create music that could harmonize with them and make storytelling music that suits multimedia, so I envision various things. Classic, jazz, and pop, are used on TV and online platforms. I’d like to combine them to arrange and compose in my style.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Experimental; Creative work; Composition; Performance; Storytelling; Multimedia


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents).

Music and Visuals: Storytelling music
