(des)encuentro: Into the process of developing an artistic identity as YÉ

(des)encuentro: Into the process of developing an artistic identity as YÉ


Yeidimar Ramos



This creative project’s intention is to explore and forge an artistic identity as YÉ, based on the concept of a transformative experience, rather than mere performance. Some, if not most, of pop music coming out in the Latin-American market, specially Puerto Rico, is superficial and serves the purpose of trivial entertainment. So, after years of studying acting and classical singing, I found myself eager to self-manage and embrace the creativity I had shunned down for many years by reflecting on schools of thought like Augusto Boal’s and Antonin Artaud’s, and using the findings to make music and performances of my own. The fusion of electro-acoustic sounds, and themes of duality, vulnerability and transcendence, are predominant all throughout the work and mold the oneiric pop world aesthetic that reflects my views and ever-growing artistry. Through self-ethnography, action research and performative research, I develop for the first time a body of musical, performance and visual works that resembles cohesively the cathartic experiences that I have gone through myself while becoming an adult. Wanting to transform in the future to an immersive performance installation that will provoke a similar reflective state in the spectator, who will then become active within the performance.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Creative project; Artistic Identity; Multi-disciplinary approach; Electro-acoustic; Live Performance; Ableton


Project Components: paper (.pdf), performance video (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), lyric sheets (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents), tech rider (.pdf).

(des)encuentro: Into the process of developing an artistic identity as YÉ
