DES DE MI RAÍZ : The research of the artistic identity and the creation of an EP

DES DE MI RAÍZ : The research of the artistic identity and the creation of an EP



The purpose of this project is to develop and create an artistic identity through the research and analysis of other artists, my auto-ethnographic research and performances and rehearsals that I have had throughout the year. The deliverables are an EP with five songs that define a clear sonority and message, and scores and videos that demonstrate all the process and its creation. The outcomes of the project will be shown to producers, labels, and musicians, that might want to collaborate with me in the creation of my future second album. Through the creation of this artistic identity, I have found that the answers of some of the musical questions that I had (how I wanted to sound, which kind of artist I want to be, etc.) lay inside of ourselves, we just need to want to listen and decide, so they can speak up and tell us what it is more natural for us in this specific time of our lives. Some challenges arose in the recording of the songs, the composition of the lyrics and the search of the instrumentation and arrangement, but in the end I found, slowly and with no fear to make mistakes, what I wanted to do and what I was feeling more identified with. I hope that this project can help other artists in their search of their own artistic identity and can feel identified with the process that I did.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; research; artist development; recording


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), leadsheets (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents).

DES DE MI RAÍZ : The research of the artistic identity and the creation of an EP
