MarcO Poingt Trio

MarcO Poingt Trio



This project is a collaboration with two musicians that I met during my Masters at Berklee College of music on the Valencia campus: Sam Ruff (MPTI student) and Baptiste Watiez (CPPD). It is also a part of their Culminating experience. We split the roles like this: Sam has the double hat of drummer and sound engineer for the trio, he takes care of mixing and producing my music. Baptiste is the bassist of the project and takes care of the video part. As for me, I am the pianist and composer of the project. There are two main parts to my work on this project: Creation and composition as well as a second part focused on the leading band, management and trio development.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 13 .wav files), links (.pdf).

MarcO Poingt Trio
