The Artist as a Producer and Entrepreneur

The Artist as a Producer and Entrepreneur


Marco Pisani



This project dives deep into the processes of music production and distribution, and it aims to explore how the state of the art tools and technologies can support an independent artist like me to successfully manage both of them. As musicians, our responsibility often ends when the music gets created, but what happens if we want to take the lead as producers of ourselves and utilize all our technological resources to obtain the desired sounds? If we want to be entrepreneurial and upload our music on digital stores, how can we be sure that our music is protected, or be aware of all the royalties that it is generating once released and of how to collect them as independent artists? These, among other questions, are the treated themes of this project, that was practically executed through the production of five songs; to fulfil the purpose of the project, one of the songs was entirely produced by me using all the knowledge and experience acquired during my year at Berklee Valencia, and another one was registered with a performing rights organization, released, marketed and promoted by me, with the knowledge acquired through research, and through the attendance of webinars and workshops. I truly believe that the achievements of this project can support my future artistic career, and that they might be of interest to other artists that want to gain more responsibility in the production process of their work or in managing their own music business.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Music production; music distribution; independent artist; artistic career; managing


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files).

The Artist as a Producer and Entrepreneur
