Working on My Profession as a Performing Songwriter: “Paso a Paso”

Working on My Profession as a Performing Songwriter: “Paso a Paso”



Composing songs is my way of breathing, my way of living, and my way of connecting daily with life. Making a living out of music has been a struggle for me as I find it difficult to treat music as a profession and not as a spiritual practice. In this project, I intended to self-produce an EP after selecting a set of songs out of my compositions. During the process, I realized self-producing was too ambitious and I decided to set recording and producing aside and concentrate on what I do best, performing; I then changed the direction of my project and performed my songs in a live show that happened on the 12th of June, forming a band with six other Berklee students for the occasion. Being able to record two music videos with this band and releasing these on the 4th July, my project ended in an unexpected yet surprising and fulfilling way. Now, I’m looking forward to getting back in the studio and recording those songs I couldn’t finish, putting into practice all I have learned in this reflective experience. I hope you find my learning process helpful.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Songwriting; self-producing; performing live


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file contianing 7 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files).

Working on My Profession as a Performing Songwriter: “Paso a Paso”
