"MIQUEL ALVAREZ GROUP - Looking for fusion, not confusion: The search f" by Miquel Àlvarez
MIQUEL ALVAREZ GROUP - Looking for fusion, not confusion: The search for an artistic identity and the creation of a L.P.

MIQUEL ALVAREZ GROUP - Looking for fusion, not confusion: The search for an artistic identity and the creation of a L.P.


Miquel Àlvarez



The objective of this project is to expose the work carried out in forging an artistic identity based on the influences of jazz and flamenco music, and the field work that has been carried out up to the creative and compositional process. This study has an ethnographic immersive character, since the bibliographic process has been through field work. In addition to the creative process of these three songs, this Culminating Experience (CE) offers an artistic retrospective investigation of a musician with a jazz training, through an intensive learning process for two years, consisting of participation in sessions and rehearsals, in listening to critical issues and following the masterful indications of Perico Sambeat and Enric Alberich. This CE aims to offer help to other musicians in learning these three styles through a brief analysis that guides their study and understanding.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

MIQUEL ALVAREZ GROUP - Looking for fusion, not confusion: The search for an artistic identity and the creation of a L.P.
