From album to EP: ‘Bird on Concrete’

From album to EP: ‘Bird on Concrete’


Nelleke Kuipers



For my Culminating Experience I have made a concept album, in the form of an EP, by the proposed name ’Bird on Concrete’. By letting myself get inspired by dramaturgy and by analyzing my own compositions in the body of work, I have gotten a clear picture of my own definition of a concept album and my own definition of the term theatricality. Bird On Concrete ‘About time to throw these shoes off And walk on bare feet again’ The album ‘Bird on Concrete’ will be about the reconnection with your childhood self; how can you see life through the eyes of a child again? As people we consist of contradictions, in our personalities and in our choices. Being a woman consists of many contradictions too. Within the themes of the album I'm embracing the duality in myself as a person. I have fully written and produced the album by the end of June. I aimed to participate in live-performances as part of the promotional package of the album. I have premixes of all of the songs in the body of work ready. This marks the end of this CE project.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


With Distinction


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), EP (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 9 .pdf documents).

From album to EP: ‘Bird on Concrete’
