A Toolbox for the Well-rounded Musician in the Modern Music Industry

A Toolbox for the Well-rounded Musician in the Modern Music Industry


Rachel Angel



Before coming to Berklee, I was already building a fruitful career in music as a singer-songwriter and recording artist. I applied to Berklee Valencia because I had become aware of the gaps in my musical knowledge and had hoped to foster a better understanding of the industry and my place within it. I immediately came to realize that in the modern day, a musician must have a 360˚relationship to their music career. I set out to explore building a toolbox and subsequently a guide for the well-rounded musician in the modern day. Some of the tools and assets I acquired were content created individually and with collaborators, brand research that I incorporated into my artistic identity, promotional practices, outreach strategies, and an exploration into my craft and musical vocabulary. What I ultimately gained was confidence, self-sufficiency, and a better understanding of who I was an artist and what I was and wasn’t capable of. Unsurprisingly, I realized that it is impossible to do everything yourself and that it is absolutely essential to have a team. I also learned how important it is to be the sole backbone behind every aspect of your career as a musician. If you don’t make it for yourself then who will make it for you.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Artistic identity; action research; music business practices; content creation


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), music videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files), images (ZIP file containing 4 .jpg files).

A Toolbox for the Well-rounded Musician in the Modern Music Industry
